
Medical Team

Medical Team


Dr. med. Giovanni Grattarola and Dr. med. Frédéric Peroni Ranchet Giovanni Grattarola, born in Acqui Terme (Italy), 10th of Februar 1968,resident in St.Moritz with his family.The wife, Martina and their two children Costanza and Filippo, born in Samedan 2008 and 2011.
He is graduated in Medicine and Surgery and Specialized in Rheumatology at the University of Genoa ( Italy)

A good golf player, golf’s member in Samedan, he loves play tennis, skiing and all the outdoor sports.
He loves reading and stay in good company.

Doctor in charge for the Italian Mountain Rescue Service in Livigno (Italy )
From 2004 till 2012.

Medical Director in charge for the First aid and The Traumatology – Orthopaedic at the
International Medical Center, in Livigno from 2004 untill 2015.
During these years in co- operation with the Klinik Gut in St.Moritz and with the Samedan Hospital.

Deepening in Traumatology – Orthopaedic in San Diego ( USA ) in 2005.

FMH member (Swiss Doctors Federation)

- Advanced Life Support, Genova San Martino Hospital
-Base Life Support , Genova San Martino Hospital
- Alpin First Aid, Avalanche help, Passo dello Stelvio,(Italia)
- Climbing with an injured Passo dello Stelvio (Italia)
-Cambridge Exam Esol Certificate, Milano(Italia)


Dr. med. Frédéric Peroni, (I/ F)1963

Since 2002 Ambulatorio Medicina dello Sport, Istituto Padre Monti, Via Legnani 4 - Saronno - Italy
Medical Director Sports Medicine Department. Department under contract with Agenzia di Tutela della Salute dell’Insubria.

Since 1996 Klinik Gut, St. Moritz, Switzerland Responsible Sports Medicine Department

Since 1996 Medical doctor within Worksite Medicine programs and seminars for major multinational companies in Europe, North America and Asia

1996-2000 with Executive Health Institute, Switzerland (Digital, Compaq, Eli-Lilly, SAS, Metro)

2000-2018 with Trattmann, Zurich, Switzerland (UBS, SwissRe, Raiffaisen, Myllykoski, Audi, BMW, Migros, Philip Morris)

From 2015 with Vitality Stream, Au, Switzerland (Infineon, Porsche, BMW)

From 1998 to 2008 Istituto Tecnologie Biomediche Avanzate, Consiglio Nazionale Ricerche, Milano, Italy - Reparto Fisiologia del lavoro Muscolare Collaborator of Prof. Pierangelo MOGNONI. Among the many researches conducted with Prof. Mognoni, development of the “MOGNONI TEST”, a test used by many european professional football teams and the Italian National Football Team to assess aerobic capacity with a submaximal 6’ run at 13.5 km/h and one single lactate sampling at the end of the 6’ run.

Member of Schweiz. Gesellschaft für Sportmedizin (SGSM)

Member of Federazione Medico Sportiva Italiana (FSMI)

After having competed in athletics on 400 hurdles for many years, since year 2000 several times World, European and Olympic Champion in Master categories. Last title won in European Championships 2019, Jesolo Italy, on 400 hurdles M55. 20 Italian National Titles, 6 French National Titles, 4 Italian records, 3 French records.

Born in a Family of medical doctors for three generations, Father of Mattia, 1998, and Magali, 2002, Students in Medicine


Medical office assistants:

Schäfli Tatjana, 1972

Gy Yasmin, med. Sekretärin